Schlagwort-Archive: Rise Against

Rise Against – Endgame

Another release with high expectations from my side was Endgame, the new album of Rise Against. No idea why, but so far I always needed a bit longer to get into releases from Rise Against. This time I fell in love with it pretty fast. The difference this time was that I directly took it with me into my car for the way to work and it worked perfectly. Especially the opening track is perfect for highway driving and so I already began to love it after two or three days.

The album has 12 tracks and for anybody giving it a try I can recommend : Architects, Satellite (first single), Midnight Hands, Broken Mirrors, This Is Letting Go,  which are all pretty easy to adopt. A really good and rocking album and I’m quite sure it will still be one of my favourites for 2011 when this year is over, even with strong releases like the first Emergency Room record still coming.

On the first glance surprisingly was the fact that the track that is responsible for the album title is the last one on the record and not the first (which seems to be quite normal). It’s not that Endgame wouldn’t have made a good start for the record, even though  for me, personally, Architects is the better song, but I guess that Endgame was placed at the end of the records just because of the name of the song.


  1. Architects
  2. Help Is On The Way
  3. Make It Stop
  4. Disparity By Design
  5. Satellite
  6. Midnight Hands
  7. Survivor Guilt
  8. Broken Mirrors
  9. Wait For Me
  10. A Gentlemen’s Coup
  11. This Is Letting Go
  12. Endgame